Gregory II, Saint

Gregory II, Saint

born 669, Rome
died Feb. 11, 731, Rome; feast day February 11

      pope from 715 to 731.

      Before his election (May 19) he had served as subdeacon and treasurer of the church. As pope, he greatly encouraged the Christianizing of Germany by SS. Boniface and Corbinian, whom he consecrated bishops in 722. Though a staunch adherent of the Eastern Roman Empire, he vigorously and successfully opposed the Byzantine emperor Leo III the Isaurian, who vehemently ordered all holy images to be destroyed. Gregory condemned Leo's act, launching the Iconoclastic Controversy and causing Leo to plot against his life. Supported by the Romans and the Lombards, Gregory fought Iconoclasm until his death, but as the 8th century advanced, the split between Rome and Constantinople worsened.

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Universalium. 2010.

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