Grande dizionario della lingua italiana
- Grande dizionario della lingua italiana
▪ Italian dictionary
Italian: “
Great Dictionary of the Italian Language”),
Italian dictionary,
a scholarly work being produced at Turin,
intended to replace the Dizionario della lingua italiana (
the standard Italian dictionary.
Volumes 1–
15 appeared between 1961 and 1990.
A supplement indexing usage citations to both early and modern sources was published in 1968,
and an index for the first eight volumes was published in 1973.
which include all possible meanings,
are given in chronological order of their usage.
The completeness of the entries,
which represent the joint efforts of many scholars,
is exemplified by the preposition a, to which 26 meanings covering six pages are assigned,
or by the word amore, for which 19 meanings and approximately 500 illustrative quotations are given.
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