Grade, Chaim

Grade, Chaim

Yiddish author
born April 5, 1910, Vilna, Russian Empire [now Vilnius, Lithuania]
died June 26, 1982, New York, New York, U.S.

      Yiddish poet, short-story writer, and novelist who was one of the last surviving secularized Yiddish writers to have been educated in a European yeshiva (rabbinical seminary). His fiction reflects an intimate knowledge of the complexities and breadth of that vanished culture and tradition.

      Grade traced his descent from one of Napoleon's officers, who was wounded during the Napoleonic wars and cared for by a Jewish family in Vilna; he later married into the family and converted to Judaism. Grade's father, a strong-willed rabbi and Zionist, died when Grade was a boy and his mother, a poor street vendor, struggled to raise money for a traditional Jewish education for her son. Grade studied at several yeshivas and was part of the pietistic movement known as Musar. At age 22, however, he gave up his religious studies to become a writer. A leading member of Yung Vilne (“Young Vilna”), a group of avant-garde Yiddish writers and artists, Grade began publishing poems in Yiddish periodicals. His first published book was the poetry collection Yo (1936; “Yes”): it includes poems of spiritual struggle and the destruction of Jewish life and conveys Grade's premonition of the Holocaust, a concern that informed much of his work from this period; many of his poems were later recited by Jews in the Vilna ghetto and in Auschwitz. After the German invasion in 1941, he escaped to Russia but returned to Vilna after the war and discovered that his wife and mother had been killed and that the culture in which he had been nurtured had been destroyed. Grade then moved to Paris, where he wrote searing poetry about the Holocaust. In 1948 he went to New York City with his second wife.

      Most of Grade's subsequent works deal with issues related to the culture and tradition of his Jewish faith. "Mayn krig mit Hersh Rasseyner" (1950; "My Fight with Hersh Rasseyner" ) is aphilosophical dialoguebetween a secular Jew deeply troubled by the Holocaust and a devout friend from Poland. Grade's novel Di agune (1961; The Agunah) concerns an Orthodox woman whose husband is missing in action in wartime and who, according to Orthodox Jewish law, is forbidden to remarry, lest she enter into an adulterous union. In the ambitious two-volume Tsemakh Atlas (196768; The Yeshiva), Grade reveals Jewish life under the Torah and what some critics saw as his revelation of the Pauline spirit of Judaism. Among his other notable works of fiction are a novella, "Der brunem" in Der Shulhoyf (1967; Eng. trans. The Well), and many short stories and poems. Grade's memoir, Der mame's Shabosim (1955; My Mother's Sabbath Days), provides a rare portrait of prewar Vilna, as well as a description of refugee life in the Soviet Union and Grade's return to Vilna after the war.

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