

Latin  Gaulus , Maltese  Ghaudex , or  Ghaudesh 
 second largest of the Maltese islands (after the island of Malta), in the Mediterranean Sea, 3 1/4 mi (5 1/4 km) northwest of the nearest point of Malta. It is 9 mi long and 4 1/2 mi wide and has an area of 26 sq mi (67 sq km). Its principal town, Victoria, formerly called Rabat, stands near the middle of the island on one of a cluster of steep, conical hills in an intensively cultivated district. The megalithic ruined temple Ggantija, to the east of Victoria, is notable. Considered to be more fertile than Malta, Gozo is largely agricultural, producing fruit, vegetables, grapes, and livestock. Fishing is also important, and there is a cottage lace industry. The island is linked with Malta by ferry service. Gozo is held to be the island of Ogy'gia, in Greek legend, where the sea nymph Calypso entertained Odysseus. Pop. (2005 est.) 31,049.

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