

      major region of southern Sweden, comprising the landskap (provinces) of Västergötland, Dalsland, Östergötland, Småland, Öland, Gotland, Bohuslän, Skåne, Halland, and Blekinge (qq.v.). In land area it is in between Sweden's other two regions, the smaller Svealand in central Sweden and the larger Norrland in the north. As early as AD 150 the inhabitants of the region, Götarna, were mentioned by the classical Greek geographer Ptolemy. Later, migrations weakened the region, and eventually it was conquered by Svealand, to the north. The region became the cultural centre of Sweden after about 1000, with the triumph of Christianity over paganism while neighbouring areas were still pagan. Näs Castle on Visingsö, an island in Vättern (the second largest lake in Sweden), was a royal residence from about 1100 to about 1200. During the European Middle Ages the towns of Skänninge and Söderköping, both in the landskap of Östergötland, were leading centres for the conduct of state and church matters.

      The region has a diversified economy, including both agriculture and industry. Leading agricultural crops are grain, potatoes, and sugar beets; there is also livestock raising. Fishing is important in the coastal landskap. Industries include automobile assembling, shipbuilding, and stone quarrying, as well as manufacture of glass, paper, and cloth. Götaland has been the most densely populated region of Sweden since the mid-18th century, when it had 60 percent of the population.

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