

Indonesian political organization
byname of  Partai Golongan Karya , English  Party of Functional Groups 

      Indonesian social and political organization that has evolved into a political party since it was founded as the Sekretariat Bersama Golongan Karya (Joint Secretariat of Functional Groups) by a group of army officers in 1964.

      Golkar, established ostensibly to counterbalance the growing power of the Indonesian Communist Party (which had formed close ties with President Sukarno), was formed to represent all of Indonesia's economic and social groups, including workers, professionals, farmers, civil servants, veterans, and fishermen. Under the dictatorship of President Suharto (196798), Golkar was the predominant pro-government political organization (though it was technically not a political party) until the late 1990s, when opposition to Suharto's regime forced Golkar from power. Nonetheless, in 1999 Golkar finished second to Megawati Sukarnoputri's Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, and it continued to exert significant influence.

      Golkar has supported policies aimed at fostering rapid economic growth but with political stability. In the 1970s it promoted heavy state intervention in the economy, but beginning in the 1980s it endorsed economic liberalization and export-led growth policies. Its control of state institutions for most of the last three decades of the 20th century gave rise to allegations of corruption and nepotism, which eventually resulted in Suharto's and Golkar's fall from power. Nevertheless, it remained a major political force in Indonesia and became, at the 2004 election, the largest single party in the legislature.

      Power within Golkar has been concentrated within a national council and an advisory board, under which there are several functional coordinating bodies in areas such as economics, culture, defense, and labour. Golkar is thought to have as many as 25 million members, and the party is particularly strong in rural areas and in areas outside Java. It is generally weakest in locales where adherence to Islam is strictest.

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