Goldschmidt, Hans

Goldschmidt, Hans

▪ German chemist
byname of  Johann Wilhelm Goldschmidt  
born Jan 18, 1861, Berlin
died May 25, 1923, Baden-Baden, Ger.

      German chemist who invented the alumino-thermic process (1905). Sometimes called the Goldschmidt reduction process, this operation involves reactions of oxides of certain metals with aluminum (aluminum processing) to yield aluminum oxide and the free metal. The process has been employed to produce such metals as chromium, manganese, and cobalt from oxide ores. It is also used for welding; (welding) in this case, iron oxides react with aluminum to produce intense heat and molten iron. Besides this invention, Goldschmidt developed, in collaboration with Alfred Stock, a commercial process for beryllium production about 1918.

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