Gezelle, Guido

Gezelle, Guido

Flemish poet and priest
born May 1, 1830, Bruges, Belg.
died Nov. 27, 1899, Bruges

      Flemish priest and poet who was one of the masters of 19th-century European lyric poetry.

      Gezelle was ordained in 1854 while already a teacher at Roeselare, where he remained until 1860. He worked to inspire his students with his religious, poetic, and Flemish-nationalist idealism. His romantic views clashed with the opinions of the higher clergy, however, and in 1860 he was transferred to Bruges, where he became a professor of philosophy and the vice principal (186165) and curate (186572) of the Anglo-Belgian seminary.

      Gezelle was a lively, sometimes reckless, political journalist, writing with startling facility in his antiliberal weekly, t Jaer 30 (186470; “The Year 30”), and elsewhere. He founded and edited an illustrated cultural weekly, Rond den heerd (186572; “Around the Hearth”). On the verge of a nervous breakdown, he was transferred in 1872 as curate to Kortrijk, where he recovered his balance and again began to write poetry. From roughly 1877 until his death his output of poetry was constant. In 1881 he founded and edited Loquela (188195), a philological review, and in 1886 he published a masterly translation of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth)'s poem The Song of Hiawatha. In March 1899 he became chaplain of the English convent at Bruges, where he died.

      From 1850 to 1862 Gezelle's poetryKerkhofblommen (“Graveyard Flowers”) and Dichtoefeningen (“Poetical Exercises”), both 1858; Kleengedichtjes (1860; “Little Poems”); and Gedichten, gezangen en gebeden (1862; “Poems, Songs, and Prayers”)—was the expression of a sensitive, passionate, and versatile personality ill-adjusted to life yet delighting in the beauty of nature and finding spiritual exaltation in the love of God. The poems of his later life (187799), collected in Tijdkrans (1893; “Garland of Time”), Rijmsnoer (1897; “Rhyme String”), and Laatste verzen (1901; “Last Poems”), are works of great lyrical purity and intensity. They are more mature and controlled in construction, and, although they still express his longing for liberation from earthly bonds, they demonstrate that he had attained greater harmony with the outer world. Gezelle shows stunning originality and virtuosity in his use of language and imagery, yet his expression, however mystical or experimental, remains linguistically rooted in the west Flemish dialect.

      Gezelle also worked as a philologist and folklorist, and he greatly influenced 19th-century Flemish intellectual life. His collected poetry (Verzameld dichtwerk), edited by J. Boets, was published in seven volumes (198086).

Additional Reading
H. Van Nuis, Guido Gezelle, Flemish Poet-Priest (1986).

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