Germanus of Auxerre, Saint

Germanus of Auxerre, Saint

French prelate
born c. 378, Autissiodurum, Gaul [now Auxerre, France]
died July 31, 448, Ravenna [Italy]; feast day: Wales, August 3; elsewhere, July 31

      Gallic prelate who was twice sent on crucial missions to England that helped effect the consolidation of the British church.

      After practicing law at Rome, Germanus was made a provincial governor in Armorica (ancient region in France) by the Western Roman emperor Flavius Honorius. In 418 he was chosen successor to Bishop St. Amator of Auxerre, after which his life dramatically changed to that of an ascetic. Near Auxerre he founded the Monastery of SS. Cosmas and Damian. Concurrently, Pelagianism, a heresy that stressed the essential goodness of human nature and the freedom of the human will, was spreading through Britain, causing an ecclesiastical upheaval there. In 429, in reply to an appeal for help by the British bishops, Pope St. Celestine I deputed Germanus, with the assistance of Bishop St. Lupus of Troyes, to combat the Pelagian heresy in Britain. Their fervent campaign was successful: according to tradition, they victoriously debated Pelagianism at Verulamium (later St. Albans in Hertfordshire). It was probably during this trip that he assisted the Britons against a joint attack by the Saxons and the Picts. He reportedly led the Britons, having them shoutAlleluia!”; the sound was so ominous that it frightened off the marauders and thus led to what was called the Alleluia Victory.

      Later Germanus returned to Auxerre, where he built St. Alban's Church. Through his appeal in 431, St. Palladius was sent to Scotland by Celestine as the first bishop of the Scots. According to tradition, while he was there he answered an appeal from St. Patrick, patron of Ireland, for assistance by sending to Ireland bishops who helped evangelize the country and establish Irish monasticism. Meanwhile, Pelagianism persisted in Britain, and in 447 Germanus was asked to return there and exterminate the heresy. With the aid of Bishop Severus of Trèves, his second mission succeeded in ending Pelagianism in England and banishing its advocates.

      Returning to Gaul, Germanus found his diocese in turmoil, for the Armoricans were rebelling against the Huns. On behalf of the rebels, he at once met the enemy's chief, Goar, whom he persuaded to postpone an initial attack on the province. Germanus immediately went to Ravenna in order to plead his people's cause. There he was received by Bishop St. Peter Chrysologus and the Western emperor Valentinian III, but Germanus died amidst the negotiations. His remains were triumphantly returned to Auxerre, where they remained enshrined until being desecrated by the Huguenots in 1567.

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Universalium. 2010.

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