Gelosi, Compagnia dei

Gelosi, Compagnia dei

Italian theatrical troupe
 (Italian:Company of Jealous Ones”), one of the earliest and most famous of the commedia dell'arte companies of 16th-century Italy. The name was derived from the troupe's motto, Virtù, fama ed honor ne fèr gelosi (“We are jealous of attaining virtue, fame, and honour”).

      Formed in Milan c. 1568 under the leadership of Flaminio Scala, the Gelosi became highly popular throughout Italy. Their group was the first to be patronized by nobility, and in 1574 they were invited to perform before the visiting French king, Henry III, in Venice. Their fame spread abroad, and they were asked by King Henry to perform before his court in 1577. Thereafter the Gelosi carried the tradition and influence of the commedia all over Europe, playing in France, Poland, Spain, and Germany. They established a habit of touring that was quickly followed by other Italian companies. The star performers were Francesco Andreini, a scholarly and talented actor who specialized in the roles of Capitano and Dottore, and his wife, Isabella, who was one of the leading belles and most famous actresses of the age (see Andreini, Francesco; Andreini, Isabella). After her death in 1604 the company was dissolved.

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