Garrett, João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida, Visconde De Almeida Garrett

Garrett, João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida, Visconde De Almeida Garrett

Portuguese writer
born Feb. 4, 1799, Porto, Port.
died Dec. 9, 1854, Lisbon

      writer, orator, and statesman who was one of Portugal's finest prose writers, an important playwright, and chief of the country's Romantic poets.

      Garrett graduated in law from the University of Coimbra in 1820, having already gained a name for himself as a playwright and a fervent liberal. His liberalism forced him into exile in England in 1823, during which time he introduced his countrymen to the new Romantic movement with two patriotic epic poems: Camões (1825) and Dona Branca (1826).

      Garrett returned to Portugal in 1832 and distinguished himself as a liberal statesman as well as a writer. In 1834 he became consul general in Brussels but returned to Portugal the following year. He entered Parliament in 1837 and soon made his mark as an orator. He was asked by the government to draw up proposals for the formation of a national theatre. He found that he had to create theatre, plays, actors, and audience to revive a native tradition that had been moribund for centuries, and to provide material for the project, he wrote a series of historical prose dramas that have become classics. Among these dramas are Um Auto de Gil Vicente (1838) and O Alfageme de Santarém (1841). Another work, Frei Luís de Sousa (1843), is considered one of the greatest Portuguese plays of the 19th century. An excursion Garrett took to Santarém in July 1843 resulted in a prose masterpiece describing his journey, Viagens na Minha Terra (1846; “Voyage to My Land”). His historical romance O Arco de Sant'Ana, 2 vol. (184550), was probably the first Romantic novel produced in Portugal.

      Garrett's patriotism and service were rewarded in 1851 when he was created viscount. He served as minister for foreign affairs for a short time in 1852 and remained active in political life until his death. His other works include the verse collection Romanceiro, 3 vol. (184351), and Folhas Caídas (1853), a collection of short love poems whose formal elegance and sensual, melancholy tone make them the best Portuguese lyric poems of the Romantic period.

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