Ganivet y García, Ángel

Ganivet y García, Ángel

Spanish writer
born Dec. 13, 1865, Granada, Spain
died Nov. 29, 1898, Riga, Latvia, Russian Empire

      Spanish essayist and novelist, considered a precursor of the Generation of '98 because of his concern for the spiritual regeneration of his country. Fluent in five languages, he served with the Spanish consular service in Antwerp, Helsinki, and Riga. An anguished and skeptical man facing an uncertain prognosis of a progressive disease, and disillusioned in love, he drowned himself in the Dvina River at age 33.

      Ganivet's most important work is the Idearium español (1897; Spain, an Interpretation), an essay that examines the Spanish temperament and the historical basis of the political situation of his country. In this essay he asserts that Spaniards are basically stoical and that the country has wasted its energies on territorial aggrandizement. He maintains that Spain has suffered fromabulia,” a state of paralysis of the will.

      In addition to this work, Ganivet published two novels of a satirical-social nature: La conquista del reino de Maya (1897; “The Conquest of the Mayan Kingdom”) and Los trabajos del infatigable creador Pío Cid (1898; “The Labors of the Indefatigable Creator Pío Cid”). In the former, the author satirizes European civilization and the customs of modern Spanish society. The latter novel addresses the problem of national apathy and calls for a revitalization of Spain. In the brilliant Cartas finlandesas (1905; “Letters from Finland”), Ganivet presents a contrast between Spanish and Nordic life and character.

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Universalium. 2010.

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