Gamelin, Maurice

Gamelin, Maurice

French officer

born Sept. 20, 1872, Paris, Fr.
died April 18, 1958, Paris
 French army commander in chief at the beginning of World War II who proved unable to stop the German assault on France (May 1940) that led to the French collapse in June of that year.

      Gamelin graduated from the Saint-Cyr military academy in 1893 and ended World War I as a brigadier general in command of a division. He rose steadily after the war, becoming army chief of staff in 1931 and president of the Supreme War Council and army inspector in 1935. He was appointed chief of staff of the national defense in 1938.

      Gamelin was a strong supporter of the defensive strategy based on the Maginot Line, and, as commander of Allied forces in the West when World War II broke out, he took no offensive action even though at that time most of the German forces were engaged in Poland. In thephony warthat followed, he proved similarly prudent and unaggressive. He was taken by surprise by the German offensive through the Ardennes that cut the Allied front in two in May 1940. He was dismissed on May 19 and replaced by General Maxime Weygand. Gamelin was later placed on trial at Riom by the Vichy government and, from 1943, was interned in Germany until the end of the war. His memoirs, Servir, 3 vol. (Serving), appeared in 194647.

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