Gallican Confession

Gallican Confession

Reformed confession
Latin  Confessio Gallicana,  

      statement of faith adopted in 1559 in Paris by the first National Synod of the Reformed Church of France. Based on a 35-article draft of a confession prepared by John Calvin (Calvin, John), which he sent with representatives from Geneva to the French synod, the draft was revised by his pupil Antoine de la Roche Chandieu. The Gallican Confession consisted of 35 articles divided into four sections concerning God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the church. It affirmed that the Bible is the only rule of faith. It also included an exposition on predestination, the doctrine that God elects or chooses who will be saved, and stated Calvin's doctrine of the Eucharist.

      Subsequently, a preface was added to the confession, and it was presented to King Francis II of France in 1560. At La Rochelle, Fr., in 1571, during the seventh National Synod of the Reformed Church of France, the confession, amplified to 40 articles, was again ratified and was signed by all the delegates. The Gallican Confession has often been printed in French Bibles, and it remained the authoritative statement of faith for the French Reformed Church into the 19th century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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