- Gâlib Dede
▪ Turkish authoralso called Şeyh Gâlib , pseudonyms of Mehmed Esʿ Adborn 1757, Constantinopledied Jan. 5, 1799, ConstantinopleTurkish poet, one of the last great classical poets of Ottoman literature.Gâlib Dede was born into a family that was well-connected with the Ottoman government and with the Mawlawīyah, or Mevlevîs, an important order of Muslim dervishes. Continuing in the family tradition by becoming an official in the Divan-ı Hümayun, the Ottoman imperial council, he thus established a career for himself in the Ottoman bureaucracy. Later, after giving up this government position, he became the sheikh (superior) of the Galata monastery, in Constantinople, the renowned centre of the Mawlawīyah order. Remaining in this position for the rest of his life, he continued to write poetry. His work was much appreciated by the reigning Ottoman sultan, Selim III (himself a poet, musician, and Mawlawī dervish), and by other members of the court, who showed him great favour and respect. Gâlib Dede is primarily known for his masterpiece, Hüsn ü Aşk (“Beauty and Love”). This allegorical romance describes the courtship of a youth (Hüsn, or “Beauty”) and a girl (Aşk, or “Love”). After many tribulations, the couple are finally brought together, allegorizing the fundamental unity of love and beauty. In addition to this famous work, Gâlib Dede is known for his Divan (collection of poems). These poems illustrate his preoccupation with mystical religious themes and are characterized by highly symbolic language and complex conceits and wordplay. Thus his work is often inaccessible to the average reader.
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Universalium. 2010.