Gabriel, Ange-Jacques

Gabriel, Ange-Jacques

French architect
also called  Jacques-Ange Gabriel 
born Oct. 23, 1698, Paris, France
died 1782, Paris
 French architect who built or enlarged many châteaus and palaces during the reign of Louis XV. He was one of the most important and productive French architects of the 18th century.

 The most celebrated member of a family of architects, he was the son of Jacques V (16671742), whom he succeeded as premier architect to Louis XV and director of the Academy of Architecture in 1742. Gabriel was the chief architect for most of the major building projects undertaken during Louis XV's reign. Under him the royal châteaus and palaces were redesigned, enlarged, or renovated in order to satisfy Louis' standards of personal comfort. Gabriel was careful to respect the work of his predecessors as he modified the structures, and he worked in the tradition of the great 17th-century masters François Mansart (Mansart, François) and Claude Perrault (Perrault, Claude) in sustaining a French style. Among Gabriel's royal commissions were enlargements or extensions of the châteaus of Fontainebleau (begun 1749), La Muette (begun 1746), Compiègne (begun 1751), and Choisy (175456); an ambitious project for the Palace of Versailles, including the completion of its right wing and the building of the opera house (176168) and the Petit Trianon (176268) there; and the construction of the École Militaire (175068; Military Academy) in Paris. Gabriel provided virtually all of the royal residences with theatres, built pavilions and hermitages for some of them, and designed hunting lodges in the major royal forests. The magnificent Place Louis XV (now Place de la Concorde) in Paris (begun 1755) demonstrates his talents as an urban planner.

 Gabriel's structures exhibit anoble simplicityin the austere but harmonious arrangement of their masses and their subdued Classical decoration. He excelled at endowing large structures with majestic proportions, as exemplified in the École Militaire. He was also notable for his use of attached columns in place of pilasters, in both exterior and interior facades. His best-known work is the Petit Trianon at Versailles, which is universally famous for its harmonious proportions and elegant, Palladian-inspired lines.

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