Gabor, Dennis

Gabor, Dennis

British engineer
born June 5, 1900, Budapest, Hung.
died Feb. 8, 1979, London, Eng.

      Hungarian-born electrical engineer who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1971 for his invention of holography, a system of lensless, three-dimensional photography that has many applications.

      A research engineer for the firm of Siemens and Halske in Berlin from 1927, Gabor fled Nazi Germany in 1933 and worked with the Thomson-Houston Company in England, later becoming a British subject. In 1947 he conceived the idea of holography and, by employing conventional filtered-light sources, developed the basic technique. Because conventional light sources generally provided either too little light or light that was too diffuse, holography did not become commercially feasible until the demonstration, in 1960, of the laser, which amplifies the intensity of light waves.

      In 1949 Gabor joined the faculty of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, where in 1958 he became professor of applied electron physics. His other work included research on high-speed oscilloscopes, communication theory, physical optics, and television. Gabor was awarded more than 100 patents.

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  • GABOR, DENNIS — (1900–1979), British physicist and electrical engineer of Hungarian birth. Gabor wrote on electrical transients, gas discharges, electron dynamics, communication theory, and physical optics. He was also greatly concerned with the impact of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Gabor , Dennis — (1900–1979) Hungarian–British physicist Gabor, the son of a businessman, was born in the Hungarian capital of Budapest; he was educated at the technological university there and in Berlin, where he obtained a doctorate in engineering in 1927. He… …   Scientists

  • Gabor, Dennis —    b. 1900, Budapest (Hungary); d. 1979    Physicist    Hungarian born Dennis Gabor was working as an industrial research engineer in Germany when Hitler came to power. He moved to England in 1933, and later taught for twenty years at Imperial… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Gabor,Dennis — Ga·bor (gäʹbôr, gə bôrʹ), Dennis. 1900 1979. Hungarian born British physicist. He won a 1971 Nobel Prize for his work on holography. * * * …   Universalium

  • Gabor, Dennis — (1900 79)    Hungarian physicist. Born in Hungary, he was educated in Budapest and Berlin. He taught at the University of Berlin Charlottenburg. He left Germany in 1934 for Britain, and later settled in the US. He received the Nobel Prize for… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Gabor, Dennis — ► (1900 79) Físico húngaro. Fue premio Nobel de Física en 1971, por el descubrimiento y desarrollo del método holográfico para obtener fotografías tridimensionales …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gabor — Gabor, Dennis …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Dennis Gabor — Dennis Gábor. Dennis Gábor (eigtl. Dénes Gábor) (* 5. Juni 1900 in Budapest; † 8. Februar 1979 in London) war ein ungarischer Ingenieur, der später die britische Staatsbürgerschaft annahm. Er absolvierte das Studium der Ingenieurswissenschaften… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dennis Gábor — Dennis Gabor Dennis Gabor. Dennis Gabor (Gábor Dénes), né le 5 juin 1900 à Budapest en Hongrie et décédé le 9 février 1979 à Londres, était un phycisien rendu célèbre par l invention de l holographie, et ayant obtenu le …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gábor Dénes — Dennis Gabor Dennis Gabor. Dennis Gabor (Gábor Dénes), né le 5 juin 1900 à Budapest en Hongrie et décédé le 9 février 1979 à Londres, était un phycisien rendu célèbre par l invention de l holographie, et ayant obtenu le …   Wikipédia en Français

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