Fulk III Nerra

Fulk III Nerra

count of Anjou
byname  Fulk the Black,  French  Foulques le Noir 
born c. 970
died June 21, 1040, Metz, Fr.

      count of Anjou (9871040), the most powerful of the early rulers of the Angevin dynasty.

      Exposed at first to the attacks of the counts of Brittany, Fulk had to fight for a long time to defend his frontiers, finally driving the Bretons back beyond the frontiers of Anjou. Having made himself master in the west, he turned his attention to the east and came into conflict with the count of Blois, Eudes II, over the territory of Saumur and a considerable part of Touraine. He defeated Eudes at Pontlevoy in 1016 and surprised and took Saumur 10 years later. Despite occasional conflicts, Fulk generally supported his overlords, the Capetian kings.

      A ruthless warrior who burned and pillaged the monasteries in his path, Fulk nevertheless felt the need for penance, making three pilgrimages to the Holy Land and founding or restoring several abbeys, including those in or near Angers, Loches, and Saumur. He also built strongly fortified castles of stone (instead of wood) along the border of his territory. For this reason he was called le Grand Bâtisseur (“the Great Builder”). He died on his return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, having reigned 53 years.

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