Fronto, Marcus Cornelius

Fronto, Marcus Cornelius

Roman orator
born c. AD 95 , Cirta, Numidia [now Constantine, Alg.]
died c. 166, Rome?

      prominent Roman orator, rhetorician, and grammarian whose high reputationequal in ancient times to those of Cato, Cicero, and Quintilianwas based chiefly on his orations, all of which are lost. His most famous lost speech is Against the Christians, which was answered in Minucius Felix (Minucius Felix, Marcus)'s Octavius.

      Fronto was educated at Carthage and in Rome, where, under the emperor Hadrian, he rapidly gained considerable fame as an advocate. Emperor Antoninus Pius appointed him tutor to Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus; with the former he remained on terms of affectionate friendship. He became consul suffectus for JulyAugust 143.

      In addition to his orations, Fronto's grammatical and rhetorical studies won him a number of followers, called the Frontoniani. Modern evaluations of Fronto's mastery of language are based on the information contained in the Noctes Atticae of Aulus Gellius (Gellius, Aulus), a member of Fronto's circle; on a collection of Fronto's letters (principally to Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus); and on miscellaneous pieces discovered with the letters in 1815 in the Ambrosian Library in Milan by the Classical scholar Angelo Cardinal Mai. The letters throw useful light on the Antonines and on Fronto's judgments of earlier writers and his precepts about language and style.

      Fronto tried to reinvigorate the decaying Latin of his day by reviving the vocabulary of earlier republican Roman writers. The resulting elocutio novella (“new elocution”) was often artificial and pedantic, but it had widespread influence and gave new vitality to Latin prose writing.

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