Fritzsche, Hans

Fritzsche, Hans

German journalist
born 1899, Dresden, Ger.
died Sept. 27, 1953, Cologne

      German journalist and broadcaster, a member of the Nazi propaganda ministry, whose nightly commentaries on Nazi radio throughout World War II climaxed in his broadcast of the news of Hitler's suicide.

      After attending the universities of Würzburg and Leipzig, he began practicing law. After World War I he joined the virulently anti-British and jingoistic Young Conservative movement and eventually, in 1929, joined the Nazi Party. He became a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA; “Storm Troopers”) the following year and served mostly in his native Saxony and in Thuringia.

      Fritzsche started broadcasting in September 1932 with a daily program calledHans Fritzsche Speaks.” That same year he was named head of the Wireless News services, a government agency. The agency was incorporated into Joseph Goebbels' propaganda ministry on May 1, 1933, and Fritzsche became head of the press division of the ministry in 1938. By November 1942 he had become chief of the ministry's radio division. Throughout his association with the propaganda ministry Fritzsche was subordinate to Goebbels and had no hand in formulation of policy. Captured in Berlin by Soviet troops in May 1945, he was indicted at Nürnberg but was found not guilty under the terms of the indictment. Shortly after, a German court tried and sentenced him to nine years' imprisonment. He was released in 1950 and died three years later of cancer.

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