Fox, William

Fox, William

American film producer
original name  Wilhelm Fried  
born Jan. 1, 1879, Tulchva, Hung.
died May 8, 1952, New York, N.Y., U.S.

      American motion-picture executive who built a multimillion-dollar empire controlling a large portion of the exhibition, distribution, and production of film facilities during the era of silent film.

      Fox worked as a newsboy and in the fur and garment industry before investing in a Brooklyn nickelodeon. By 1913 he was one of the most powerful of the independent exhibitors and distributors and led their successful fight against the Motion Picture Patents Company, an attempted monopoly of the industry. In 1915 the Fox Film Corporation, the progenitor of the Twentieth Century-Fox studios, was formed.

      Fox introduced organ accompaniment to the silent films shown in his theatres and pioneered in designing theatres for the comfort of the patrons. Through an adroit use of publicity, he developed Theda Bara into the first screen vamp and a star. He was also famous for the 1927 news series Movietone News, the first commercially successful sound film.

      Because of the expense of converting 1,100 theatres to sound equipment and the economic crisis of the early 1930s, Fox's empire crumbled. He declared bankruptcy in 1936 and in 1942 served a term in prison for obstructing justice. For the remainder of his life he lived quietly in Long Island, New York.

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Universalium. 2010.

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