food colouring

food colouring

      any of numerous dyes, pigments, or other additives used to enhance the appearance of fresh and processed foods. Colouring ingredients include natural colours, derived primarily from vegetable sources and sometimes called vegetable dyes; inorganic pigments; combinations of organic and metallic compounds (called lakes); and synthetic coal-tar substances. They are added to orange and potato skins, sausage casings, baked goods, candies, carbonated drinks, gelatin desserts, powdered drink mixes, and many other foods. Many of these additives (food additive) are also employed as colouring agents in cosmetics, drugs, and products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.

      In the United States the nature and purity of the dyes used in food colouring first became the subject of legislation in 1906. In 1938 the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was passed, giving food colouring additives numbers (e.g., Amaranth was renamed FD&C Red No. 2) and requiring certification of each batch of colouring. Dyes again became the focus of controversy in the 1950s because the excessive use of certain dyes produced illness. While natural, or vegetable, colourings are generally considered safe, the potential hazards of artificial and synthetic colourings continue to be a subject of controversy. Modern testing methods demonstrated the toxic effects of some colour ingredients previously considered harmless. As a result, many countries have deleted these substances from their lists of approved additives. In the United States the Color Additives Amendments were passed in 1960. Among the colours that have been “delisted,” or disallowed, in the United States are FD&C Orange No. 1; FD&C Red No. 32; FD&C Yellows No. 1, 2, 3, and 4; FD&C Violet No. 1; and FD&C Reds No. 2 and 4. Many countries with similar food colouring controls (including Canada and Great Britain) also ban the use of Red No. 40, and Yellow No. 5 is also undergoing testing.

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Universalium. 2010.

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