Flaherty, Robert

Flaherty, Robert

American director
born Feb. 16, 1884, Iron Mountain, Mich., U.S.
died July 23, 1951, Dummerston, Vt.

      U.S. explorer and filmmaker, called the father of the documentary film.

      When he was a boy, Flaherty's family moved to Canada, and as he grew up he explored and photographed vast regions of the country's northern territory. His first film, Nanook of the North (1922), a dramatic interpretation of the Eskimo way of life, was based on 16 months of living with them and filming their lives. His film was an international success, and its subjective presentation of reality set a model of excellence for nonfiction filmmaking, foreshadowing the documentary movement of the 1930s. John Grierson (Grierson, John), the founder of the movement, first used the term documentary in a reference to Flaherty's film, Moana (1926), set in the South Seas, a record of a people untouched by the corruption of civilization.

      In the 1930s and '40s Flaherty's most famous films were Tabu (1931), codirected with the German director F.W. Murnau, Industrial Britain (1932), made with John Grierson, Man of Aran (1934), The Land (1942), and Louisiana Story (1948).

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