Fischart, Johann

Fischart, Johann

German satirist
born 1546/47, Strasbourg [now in France]
died 1590, Forbach, Lorraine [France]

      German satirist, the principal German literary opponent of the Counter-Reformation.

      Fischart received a good education and before 1570 traveled widely, visiting the Netherlands and probably England and studying in Paris, Strasbourg, and Siena, Italy. In 1574 he received a doctor juris degree in Basel, but from 1570 to 1580 he lived mostly in Strasbourg. In this decade his main literary works appeared. Three years in Speyer as advocate at the Reichskammergericht (imperial court of justice) were followed by appointment in 1583 as magistrate at Forbach, Lorraine.

      Of his main works, the earliest are attacks on the papacy, Franciscans, and Dominicans, and two of the latest are polemical satires against the Roman Catholic church and especially the Jesuits. Beginning as a Lutheran, he came to defend Calvinist doctrinesthe only major German writer to do so. His works also ridiculed the fashions of the age.

      Fischart's principal work is the Affentheurliche und ungeheurliche Geschichtsschrift (1575)—renamed Geschichtklitterung in later editions (1582, 1590)—a greatly expanded prose version of François Rabelais's Gargantua. Also noteworthy is his Das glückhafft Schiff von Zürich (1576; “The Ship of Good Fortune from Zurich”), one of the most carefully constructed 16th-century narrative poems, commemorating the boatload of Zürich citizens who brought to Strasbourg a basin of porridge, still warm after a daylong journey.

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