Fiorillo, Tiberio

Fiorillo, Tiberio

Italian actor
Fiorillo also spelled  Fiorilli, or Fiurelli  
born Nov. 9, 1608?, Naples, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]
died Dec. 7, 1694, Paris, Fr.

      Italian actor of the commedia dell'arte who developed the character Scaramouche.

      Perhaps the son of Silvio Fiorillo, a famous Pulcinella, Tiberio Fiorillo quit an undistinguished company of players to gain fame as the braggart captain called Scaramuccia. He was especially popular in France. Playing unmasked, typically in black costume as Scaramouche, he charmed Parisians with his expressive movements, relying little on the spoken word. In 1658 his Italian company alternated with Molière's players at the Petit-Bourbon. He and Molière also shared the stage of the Palais-Royal. In the 1670s he took his character to London, where it was a sensation.

      Fiorillo brought to his comedy remarkable dancing and acrobatic agility, which he maintained throughout his long career. In his 80s he was still able deftly to feign kicking another performer in the face.

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Universalium. 2010.

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