fidei commissum

fidei commissum

      in Roman law and civil-law systems, a gift of property to a person (usually by will), imposing upon that person the obligation to transfer it to a specified ultimate recipient, the latter being a person legally incapable of taking the property directly or at least not in the amount designated. It constituted a means of evading the inheritance requirements in Roman and civil law.

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  • fidei-commissum — /faydiyay kamisam/ In the civil law, a species of trust; being a gift of property (usually by will) to a person, accompanied by a request or direction of the donor that the recipient will transfer the property to another, the latter being a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • fidei commissum — A trust arising upon a bequest with directions to deliver the subject matter or some portion of it to another person; in equity, an estate in possession, encumbered with the charge to surrender it to another. McDonough s Executors v Murdoch (US)… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • fidei-commissum — …   Useful english dictionary

  • fidei commissa — pl of fidei commissum Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

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  • Фидеи комиссиум —    • Fidĕi commissum,          называлась выраженная в духовном завещании просьба завещателя к наследникам о выдаче частей наследства известным лицам, которые по строгому смыслу закона не могли наследовать ничего или получали только… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

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