Ferreira, António

Ferreira, António

Portuguese poet
born 1528, Lisbon, Port.
died 1569, Lisbon

      Portuguese poet who was influential in fostering the new Renaissance style of poetry and who strongly advocated the use of Portuguese, rather than Spanish or Latin, as his nation's literary language.

      Ferreira was a disciple of the poet Francisco de de Miranda ( de Miranda, Francisco de), who had introduced Renaissance styles of poetry into Portugal, and Ferreira did more than anyone else to foster the new school, by both exhortation and example. His verse epistles, inspired by the moral and aesthetic tenets of humanism, reveal his integrity as a critic of society as well as his clear and vigorous style. His tragedy Castro (written c. 1558) was one of the first in modern European literature. It takes as its subject the death of the Portuguese national heroine Inês de Castro (Castro, Inês de), who was murdered by Afonso IVthe father of Dom Pedro, her loverfor reasons of state, a theme that resonated throughout subsequent European literature. Throughout his life, Ferreira was a judge in Lisbon, where he chose to live quietly, devoted to humanistic pursuits.

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