Feraoun, Mouloud

Feraoun, Mouloud

Algerian novelist
born March 8, 1913, Tizi Hibel, Alg.
died March 15, 1962, El-Biar

      Algerian novelist and teacher whose works give vivid and warm portraits of Berber life and values.

      Feraoun, the son of a peasant farmer, passed his youth in the Great Kabylie mountains. His early successes at school led to a teaching degree from the École Normale at Bouzareah. He was a gentle man of integrity and supported the cause for Algerian independence, without himself taking up arms in the Algerian resistance. His stance incurred the enmity of the French colonialists, and he was assassinated by terrorists.

      His works all describe Kabyle peasant life. Le Fils du pauvre (1950; “The Poor Man's Son”) is a semiautobiographical story of a Berber youth struggling against poverty and hardship to achieve an education and self-advancement. The portrayal of the simple life in the mountains is filled with nobility, human compassion, and a love of family and native soil. La Terre et le sang (1953; “Earth and Blood”) deals with an émigré whose life in France is burdened by the sequestration of his proud countrymen and with the importance of nif (“honour”), the basis of all traditional morality and the source of the sense of self-worth, dignity, pride, and community. Les Chemins qui montent (1957; “The Upward Roads”) carries forward in more bitter tones the themes of the resignation, resistance, and endurance of the fellah (peasant) faced with the realities of colonial society; it also deals with the strictures placed on the youth and the narrowness of choices available to them. Feraoun's devotion to Kabyle culture is also evident in a collection of portraits and sketches, in a translation of 19th-century Kabyle poetry, and in his journal. Through his works he achieved his goal of discovering the voice ofan indomitable people of flesh and blood.”

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