Fehrenbach, Konstantin

Fehrenbach, Konstantin

German chancellor
born Jan. 11, 1852, Wellendingen, Baden [Germany]
died March 26, 1926, Freiburg, Ger.

      German statesman who was chancellor of the Weimar Republic (192021).

      A noted criminal lawyer, Fehrenbach was elected to the Baden Landtag (provincial diet) in 1885 as a member of the Catholic Centre Party, but differences with the party leadership obliged him to resign his seat in 1887. Reelected in 1901, he remained a member until 1913 and in 190709 served as president of the assembly. Entering the German Reichstag (national parliament) in 1903, he soon distinguished himself as one of the most brilliant parliamentary speakers. In 1917 he headed the main parliamentary commission and in 1918 became president of the Reichstagthe last in the history of imperial Germany. Later, following the establishment of a republican government, he presided over the Weimar National Assembly (1919). Although his appointment as chancellor of the republic (June 1920) ushered in the first non-Socialist Cabinet of the Weimar period, he nonetheless pledged himself to the continuation of a general program of socialization. His inability to win concessions from the Allies in the matter of war reparations, however, prompted his resignation (May 1921). In 1923 he was elected chairman of the Catholic Centre Party.

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