Féderátion Aéronautique Internationale

Féderátion Aéronautique Internationale

sports organization
English  International Aeronautical Federation 

      nongovernmental and nonprofit international organization that encourages and oversees the conduct of sporting aviation events throughout the world and certifies aviation world records. The FAI was founded by representatives from Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States, meeting in Paris on Oct. 14, 1905. In 1999 the FAI headquarters moved from Paris to Lausanne, Switz.

      The FAI is financed by annual subscriptions from its constituent members, which numbered more than 90 countries at the beginning of the 21st century. Each year representatives gather for the FAI general conference, which is the prime decision-making body. The FAI maintains several advisory committees and a much larger number of commissions. Each sporting aviation discipline has its own commission, which is run by delegates from the member countries under the guidance of elected presidents. There are commissions for aerobatics, aeromodeling, astronautics records, ballooning, general aviation, gliding (sailplanes), hang gliding (including paragliding), microlight aircraft, parachuting (parachute), and rotorcraft. In addition to the sporting commissions, there are several technical commissions that control nonsporting activities.

      In 1997 the FAI held the first World Air Games in Turkey. In 2001 the second World Air Games were held in Spain. Following the third World Air Games in 2009 in Italy, the event is scheduled to occur every two years, with its location selected on the basis of a bidding process.

Noel Whittall

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Universalium. 2010.

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