Fedeli, Compagnia dei

Fedeli, Compagnia dei

Italian theatrical company
      one of several Italian companies performing commedia dell'arte (improvised popular comedy) at the beginning of the 17th century. The name meanscompany of the faithful.” The Fedeli was a successor to the pioneering Gelosi company and incorporated some of the Gelosi's actors and performance material.

      The Fedeli was directed by Giovambattista Andreini (Andreini, Giovambattista), son of the celebrated commedia actors Francesco and Isabella Andreini. The company included Flaminia, considered to be one of the greatest actresses of her time. The French queen Marie De Médicis was especially fond of the Fedeli, and she arranged for the company to make several tours of France. The Fedeli alternated with French players at the Hôtel de Bourgogne and at court. The company also toured Prague and Vienna.

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