

Brazilian plantation
      large plantation in Brazil, comparable to the slave-based plantations of the Caribbean and the United States. In the colonial period (16th18th century) the plantation owners (fazendeiros) ruled their estates, and the black slaves and freemen who worked them, with virtually no interference from the colonial authorities. Fazendeiros were usually born in Brazil of Portuguese ancestry. Often they were absentee landlords who took up residence in some town in the region. Fazendas were found throughout Brazil; during the colonial period they were concentrated primarily in the northeastern region, where sugar was produced, shifting during the 19th century to coffee production in the southeastern region.

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  • fazenda — s. f. 1. Bens, haveres. 2. Herdade destinada a grande cultura. 3. Finanças públicas. 4. Tecido; pano; estofo. 5. Mercadoria. 6. Gêneros destinados à venda. 7.  [Antigo] Peleja; ação. 8. Reputação de mulher honesta. 9.  [Portugal: Trás os Montes]… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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