- fascio siciliano
▪ Italian political organizationany of the organizations of workers and peasants founded in Sicily in the early 1890s, reflecting the growing social awareness of the lower classes.The fasci were primitive trade unions and mutual-benefit societies aimed at helping workers get better contracts and helping villagers protect their lands from enclosure. Conservative resistance to their demands led to an outbreak of violence. In early 1893, when the peasants of Caltavuturo occupied land that they claimed was theirs, a number were killed by local authorities. Disturbances continued throughout the year. Members of the fasci attacked and burned public buildings. The police and the upper classes responded with force in an attempt to suppress them.In 1894 Prime Minister Francesco Crispi sent troops to Sicily to restore order. Martial law was declared, and many fasci leaders were arrested. In March 1896 those arrested during the disturbances were granted amnesty.
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Universalium. 2010.