Farel, Guillaume

Farel, Guillaume

French religious leader
born 1489, Gap, Dauphiné, France
died September 13, 1565, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

      Reformer and preacher primarily responsible for introducing the Reformation to French-speaking Switzerland, where his efforts led to John Calvin (Calvin, John)'s establishment of the Reformed church in Geneva.

      As a student at the University of Paris, Farel was the pupil and friend of the scholar Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques), who helped him obtain a professorship to teach grammar and philosophy at the Collège Cardinal Lemoine in Paris. Farel soon became regent of the college. He embraced the tenets of Christian humanism sometime before 1521, the year he was appointed a diocesan preacher by the Reformist bishop of Meaux, Guillaume Briçonnet (Briçonnet, Guillaume).

      The reform movement's slow pace clashed with Farel's impatient temperament, and he returned to Paris in 1523. Persecution of Reformers there soon forced him to flee to Basel, Switzerland, but a dispute with the humanist Desiderius Erasmus (Erasmus, Desiderius) brought about his banishment. For two years Farel preached in Montbéliard, Strasbourg, Basel, and Bern, finally settling in Aigle, Valais, where he preached from 1526 to 1529. In 1530 he moved to Neuchâtel and then to Geneva (1532), which declared its support for the Reformation in 1536. He had become the leading French reformer, and he persuaded John Calvin (Calvin, John), who was passing through Geneva in October 1536, to remain there and become his assistant. In 1538, by which time Calvin had gained equal stature to that of Farel, both men were expelled from Geneva. Farel went to Neuchâtel and after some further wandering returned to Neuchâtel in 1543, making it the centre of his activities for the rest of his life.

      He became increasingly influenced by Calvin. An evangelical with a vigorous preaching style, Farel was held in considerable respect by his contemporaries, including Theodore Beza (Beza, Theodore), the French reformer and successor to Calvin at Geneva, who said Farel's word was like thunder. Even the independent-minded Calvin had shuddered and obeyed when Farel declared his life of study accursed by God.

      Although none of Farel's sermons are extant, several of his French books remain, including an elementary dogmatics, a liturgy, a polemic against the Libertine party, and an anti-Catholic attack on the use of images and relics.

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