Colombian militant group
abbreviation of Spanish  Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (“Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia”) 

      Marxist guerrilla organization in Colombia. Formed in 1964 as the military wing of the Colombian Communist Party (Partido Comunista de Colombia; PCC), the FARC is the largest of Colombia's rebel groups, estimated to possess some 10,000 to 15,000 armed soldiers and thousands of supporters, largely drawn from Colombia's rural areas. The FARC supports a redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to the poor and opposes the influence that multinational corporations and foreign governments (particularly the United States) have had on Colombia.

      The FARC has carried out bombings, assassinations, hijackings, and other armed attacks (terrorism) against various political and economic targets in the country; it has also kidnapped foreigners for ransom, executing many of its captives. The FARC's links to drug trafficking have brought hundreds of millions of dollars annually into the organization from taxes it imposes. The FARC has received some external support for its activities from other paramilitary organizations and sympathetic governments, such as the Cuban government of Fidel Castro (Castro, Fidel). In 1985 the FARC and other left-wing groups, including the PCC, established a political party, Patriotic Union (Unión Patriótica; UP), in a cease-fire agreement with the government. The UP participated in elections beginning in 1986 and won a large portion of the votes. In subsequent years, however, thousands of UP members, including three of the party's presidential candidates, were killed by right-wing paramilitary groups. Many UP leaders were forced into exile. Political violence decimated the party, and it had virtually disappeared by 2002.

      In 1998, in an effort to persuade the FARC to enter peace negotiations, Pres. Andrés Pastrana demilitarized a 16,000-square-mile (42,000-square-km) area of southern Colombia, effectively ceding control of the territory to the rebels. Although negotiations began in January 1999, the FARC soon withdrew. In 2002 Pres. Álvaro Uribe Vélez remilitarized the territory after the FARC hijacked an airliner and kidnapped a Colombian senator on board. For the next several years, Uribe employed intensive policing and military operations against the FARC. As a result, the FARC's strength was reduced in urban areas, and the number of attacks and kidnappings by the organization significantly decreased. The FARC, however, rejected many proposals by the Colombian government as well as the international community that called for the return of hostages.

      Political tensions in the region escalated in early 2008 when Colombian troops crossed the border into Ecuador to raid a FARC encampment. In March 2008 the FARC's leader and one of the organization's founders, Manuel Marulanda Vélez, nicknamed Tirofijo (“Sureshot”), died of a heart attack. Alfonso Cano (nom de guerre of Guillermo Saenz Vargas), who served as head of the organization's underground political arm, the Clandestine Communist Party of Colombia (founded in 2000), became the FARC's new leader in May 2008.

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