fabula Atellana

fabula Atellana

Italian drama
      (Latin:Atellan play”), the earliest native Italian farce, presumably rustic improvisational comedy featuring masked stock characters. The farces derived their name from the town of Atella in the Campania region of southern Italy and seem to have originated among Italians speaking the Oscan dialect. They became a popular entertainment in ancient republican and early imperial Rome, by which time they were performed in Latin (Latin literature) but possibly spiced with Oscan words and place-names. Originally based on scenarios handed down by oral tradition, they became a literary genre in the 1st century BC, but only a few fragments survive of works by Lucius Pomponius of Bononia, Novius, and other writers. The farces had stock characters: Maccus, the clown; Bucco (“Fat Cheeks”), the simpleton; Pappus, the old fool; Dossennus, whose name has been taken to meanHunchback”; and Manducus, perhaps meaningthe Glutton.” There is no record of these farces after the 1st century AD, but certain of the stock characters of the 16th-century Italian commedia dell'arte reflect the influence of the Atellan plays.

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