Evliya Çelebi

Evliya Çelebi

Turkish traveler and writer
also called  Derviş Mehmed Zilli  
born March 1611, Constantinople [now Istanbul, Turkey]
died c. 1684, , Constantinople

      one of the most celebrated Ottoman travelers, who journeyed for more than 40 years throughout the territories of the Ottoman Empire and adjacent lands.

      Son of the chief court jeweler, he was educated in a madrasah (Islāmic college) and a Qurʾān school in Constantinople; and, excelling as a Qurʾān reciter, he was shown favour by the reigning sultan, Murad IV. Entering the Ottoman palace school, he developed skills in Arabic, calligraphy, and music.

      Under the patronage of the court he began the journeys that took him from Belgrade to Baghdad and from the Crimea to Cairo, sometimes as an official representative of the government and sometimes on his own. The result of these travels was his masterwork, the Seyahatname (18981939; “Book of Travels”). This work is also referred to as the Tarihi seyyah (“Chronicle of a Traveler”).

      Evliya possessed a vivid imagination, occasionally mixing fact and fantasy; he described places he could not possibly have visited. Noted for his fascinating anecdotes and charming style, he wrote about the ethnography, history, and geography of the Ottoman Empire and neighbouring lands and about the inner workings of the Ottoman government during the 17th century.

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