

▪ Byzantine official
died , soon after 399

      eunuch who became the most powerful figure in the Eastern Roman Empire under the emperor Arcadius (Eastern ruler 383–408).

      By arranging the marriage between Arcadius and Eudoxia, daughter of a Frankish consul, Eutropius sought to thwart his rival Rufinus, chief adviser to Arcadius, who had wished to marry his own daughter to the Emperor. After Rufinus was murdered by the troops of Gainas in 395, Eutropius became the most powerful man in the Eastern Empire. He repelled an invasion of Asia Minor by the Huns in 398 and was nominated consul for 399, the first eunuch to hold that office. In the same year he was overthrown by Gainas (by then master of soldiers) in collusion with Eudoxia and banished to Cyprus; shortly afterward he was beheaded.

      The poet Claudian attacked Eutropius, who had gained great notoriety for his corrupt practices, in two extant poems.

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