

Greek poet and grammarian
born c. 275 BC?

      Greek poet and grammarian, of Chalcis in Euboea, whose poetry was highly regarded in Hellenistic literary circles and later among Catullus's generation of Roman poets in the 1st century BC. In Book III of the Tuscalan Disputations, Cicero called some younger poets of his day cantores Euphorionis (“singers of Euphorion”).

      Euphorion studied philosophy at Athens. Soon after 223 BC, Antiochus the Great, king of Syria, gave him the coveted post of royal librarian at Antioch. His works included small-scale epics (epyllia) on mythological themes, poetic invectives and epigrams, as well as scholarly treatises. Surviving fragments reveal him as one of the earliest and most enthusiastic followers of Callimachus, possessed of a willfully obscure and sophisticated style.

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