euglossine bee

euglossine bee

bee tribe
also called  orchid bee  or  long-tongued bee 

      any of a large group of brightly coloured, bees important to the ecology of New World tropical forests. Colour combinations include metallic blues, greens, and bronzes. They are noted for their long tongues and their role in the pollination of over 700 species of tropical orchids. Euglossines pollinate many flowers in the forest understory, but they also visit species in the forest canopy such as lianas and emergent trees. (See rainforest ecosystem sidebar, “.”) Their tongues, measuring up to 4 cm (1.6 inches) in some species, are used to access deep, narrow flower structures, some of which can only be reached by euglossines. Euglossine bees are common in lowland forests; in one area studied, 20 to 40 different species were recorded flying between flowers on any given day. In the lower reaches of cloud forest there are even more, but none seems specifically associated with a particular species of plant.

 In most cases, only the male bees visit and pollinate orchids. They do not feed on the nectar, pollen, or any part of the flower, but instead gather fragrant chemicals into their hind legs. The chemicals seem essential in allowing a male to successfully mate in that the odor signals to females that they are good foragers and live long enough to gather many chemical compounds found in various flowers.

      Females may be found collecting mud for nests. About half the Euglossini are Euglossa species, and the females live in small nests that house either a mother with daughters or all sisters. They neither make nor store honey, and they have no queen.

      Euglossines are one of the fourpollen basketbee tribes, which also include bumblebees (bumblebee), honeybees (honeybee), and the stingless honey-making bees. The same chemicals that attract male bees also allow biologists to procure bees in almost any tropical American forest simply by setting out artificial attractant baits. As a result, euglossines are used in a wide variety of scientific studies that have conservation applications. The bees are also economically important, as Brazil nuts (Brazil nut) do not form unless the tree's flowers are first pollinateda process carried out almost exclusively by euglossines.

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Universalium. 2010.

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