Eugenikos, Markos

Eugenikos, Markos

Greek theologian
born c. 1392, , Constantinople
died June 23, 1445, Constantinople

      Greek Orthodox metropolitan of Ephesus (near modern Selçuk, Tur.) and theologian who led the anti-unionist party in the Eastern Orthodox Church following the Council of Florence (Ferrara-Florence, Council of), Italy (1439).

      After a classical and theological education under tutors antagonistic to Rome, Eugenikos at 26 gave his property to the poor and became a monk on the Greek island of Antigone. Forced to return to Constantinople in 1422 because of Muslim harassment, he stayed at the urban monastery of Mangani, where he gained a reputation for learning and sanctity. Groomed for the Council of Florence by the Byzantine emperor John VIII Palaeologus (142548), Eugenikos was made metropolitan of Ephesus c. 1436 and represented the patriarchs of Antioch and Alexandria at the council. In Florence he delivered most of the addresses allotted to the Greek Orthodox and became increasingly firm in his repudiation of Western teaching, particularly on the Holy Spirit. He demanded that the Latins remove the Filioque (“and from the Son”) phrase from the Nicene Creed and accused them of falsifying scriptural and patristic texts in order to buttress their dogma.

      Refusing to sign the council's final document of reunion, Eugenikos returned to Constantinople to organize anti-unionist opposition. He was imprisoned for two years after vainly attempting to seek refuge at the monastery on Mt. Athos. Released, he resumed his anti-Western campaign, handing over this responsibility on his deathbed to Georgios Scholarios, the future patriarch Gennadius II.

      Among Eugenikos' writings are a confession of faith (creedal summary), interpretations of the Church Fathers, a critique of Latin doctrine on the Trinity, and a refutation of the Western Church's use of unleavened bread in the Communion service. He particularly contested the Western teaching on purgatory. Eugenikos also composed treatises on liturgical subjects, in which he faulted the Western rite, and wrote several tracts on ascetical themes. He was officially proclaimed a saint by the Greek Orthodox Church in 1734.

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Universalium. 2010.

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