

      in Greek philosophy,“suspension of judgment,” a principle originally espoused by nondogmatic philosophical Skeptics of the ancient Greek Academy who, viewing the problem of knowledge as insoluble, proposed that, when controversy arises, an attitude of noninvolvement should be adopted in order to gain peace of mind for daily living.

      The term has been employed in the 20th century by Edmund Husserl (Husserl, Edmund), the founder of Phenomenology, who saw it as a technique, more fundamental than that of abstraction and the examination of essences, that serves to highlight consciousness itself. The philosopher should practice a sort of Cartesian doubt, methodic and tentative, in regard to all commonsensical beliefs; he should put them, and indeed all things of the natural-empirical world, inbrackets,” subjecting them to a transcendental suspension of convictionto epochē. Without ceasing to believe in them, he should put his belief out of action in order to focus upon the sheer appearances of houses, trees, and men, which then become tantamount to the existence of his awareness of them. Thus, consciousness itself is immune from the epochē that dissolves its objects. The epochē has done its work, however, as soon as consciousness has been made manifest to his inner perception, for only then can consciousness be subjected to the same generalizing abstraction and examination of essence that had been applied to its objects. Thus, a pure phenomenology is produced that supplements the ontologies (theories of being) for special areas and explains how their objects appear or are given.

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