

▪ Byzantine law
      (Greek: “Introduction”), legal code compiled c. 879, during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Basil I, intended as the introduction to a comprehensive collection of laws to be published in Greek. Its chief importance lies in its exposition of the theory of the separation of the powers of church and state.

      Based on the Ecloga, a law code drawn up during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Leo III the Isaurian (717–741), and the law books of the emperor Justinian I (reigned 527–565), the Epanagoge is original in those parts dealing with the rights and obligations of the emperor, the patriarch, and other lay and ecclesiastical dignitaries. State and church were conceived as a unity presided over by emperor and patriarch, who should work in harmony for the benefit of mankind, the emperor fostering the material well-being of his subjects, the patriarch promoting their spiritual welfare. Photius, patriarch of Constantinople during this period and defender of the autonomous traditions of the Eastern Orthodox Church, is believed to have been the author of this theory.

      The Epanagoge served as the basis for the Basilica, an extensive revision of Justinian's code published during the reign of Leo VI (886–912). Many extracts from it can also be found in Slavic codes including the Russian Book of Rules, an administrative code.

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Universalium. 2010.

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