Ensor, James, Baron

Ensor, James, Baron

Belgian artist
born April 13, 1860, Ostend, Belg.
died Nov. 19, 1949, Ostend

      Belgian painter and printmaker whose works are known for their bizarre fantasy and sardonic social commentary.

      Ensor was an acknowledged master by the time he was 20 years old. After a youthful infatuation with the art of Rembrandt and Rubens, he adopted the vivacious brushstroke of the French Impressionists.

      When Ensor's works were rejected by the Brussels Salon in 1883, he joined a group of progressive artists called Les Vingt (Vingt, Les) (q.v.; The Twenty). During this period, in such works as hisScandalized Masks” (1883; Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels), he began to depict images of grotesque fantasyskeletons, phantoms, and hideous masks (mask).

      Ensor's interest in masks probably began in his mother's curio shop. HisEntry of Christ into Brussels” (1888; Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts, Antwerp), filled with carnival masks painted in smeared, garish colours, provoked such indignation that he was expelled from Les Vingt.

      Ensor, nevertheless, continued to paint such nightmarish visions asMasks (Intrigues)” (1890) andSkeletons Fighting for the Body of a Hanged Man” (1891; both in the Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts, Antwerp). As criticism of his work became more abusive, the artist became more cynical and misanthropic, a state of mind given frightening expression in hisPortrait of the Artist Surrounded by Masks.” He finally became a recluse and was seen in public so seldom that he was rumoured to be dead.

      After 1900 Ensor's art underwent little change. When, in 1929, hisEntry of Christ into Brusselswas first exhibited publicly, King Albert of Belgium conferred a barony on him.

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