

      province (established in 1978), west central Papua New Guinea, in the southwestern Pacific. It has an area of 4,900 square miles (12,800 square km) and was separated from the Western Highlands district in 1973. Located northeast of the Southern Highlands province, Enga comprises the western half of the central plateaus. It is bounded by the provinces of East Sepik on the north, Madang on the northeast, and Western Highlands on the east. The province consists of rugged mountains and high-altitude valleys. The Schrader Range rises in the northeast, and Mount Hagen in the southeast has a height of 12,392 feet (3,777 metres). Enga is drained by rapidly flowing rivers, the main ones being the Lai and Lagaip. The landscape is marked by wide swaths burned through the forest cover by Papuan hunters in search of small game. The resulting deforestation has extended the areas of grassland dominated by rice grass. Although there were early trade routes from the area south to the Gulf of Papua (Papua, Gulf of), the first extended contact with Europeans (from Australia) occurred in 1938. Today, roads link Wabag, the provincial headquarters, with Porgera, location of alluvial gold mines, to the west and with Lae, a port on Huon Gulf, to the southeast. Coffee, vegetables (particularly potatoes), and pyrethrum (used in insecticides) are the principal cash crops. The province has airstrips near many of the towns. Pop. (1990 prelim.) 238,357.

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