elimination reaction

elimination reaction

      any of a class of organic (organic compound) chemical reactions in which a pair of atoms (atom) or groups of atoms are removed from a molecule, usually through the action of acids, bases, or metals and, in some cases, by heating to a high temperature. It is the principal process by which organic compounds containing only single carbon-carbon bonds (saturated compounds) are transformed to compounds containing double or triple carbon-carbon bonds (unsaturated compounds).

      Elimination reactions are commonly known by the kind of atoms or groups of atoms leaving the molecule. The removal of a hydrogen atom and a halogen atom, for example, is known as dehydrohalogenation; when both leaving atoms are halogens, the reaction is known as dehalogenation. Similarly, the elimination of a water molecule, usually from an alcohol, is known as dehydration; when both leaving atoms are hydrogen atoms, the reaction is known as dehydrogenation. Elimination reactions are also classified as E1 or E2, depending on the reaction kinetics. In an E1 reaction, the reaction rate is proportional to the concentration of the substance to be transformed; in an E2 reaction, the reaction rate is proportional to the concentrations of both the substrate and the eliminating agent.

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Universalium. 2010.

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