Elias Of Cortona

Elias Of Cortona

Franciscan monk

born c. 1180, , near Assisi, Duchy of Spoleto [Italy]
died April 22, 1253, Cortona, Duchy of Tuscany [Italy]

      disciple of St. Francis of Assisi and a leading figure in the early history of the Franciscan Order, which he twice governed.

      In 1217 Elias headed the new Franciscan mission to the Holy Land as first minister provincial of Syria. He visited holy places in Palestine with Francis, returning with him to Italy in 1220. Vicar of the Franciscans from 1221, he governed the order from Francis' death (1226) until 1227, when John Parenti was elected in his stead. Later Elias was commissioned by Pope Gregory IX to build the Basilica of Assisi as a memorial to St. Francis.

      Elected general of the order in 1232, Elias met with opposition from those who wanted strict observance of Francis' rule of poverty; they thought Elias too worldly and too dictatorial. He was deposed in 1239 and withdrew ultimately to Cortona with a few followers. Supporting the antipapal policy of Frederick II, Holy Roman emperor, he was excommunicated in 1240 by Gregory and again in 1244 by Pope Innocent IV when Frederick made him ambassador to Nicaea and Constantinople. In 1245 he built a church and cloister at Cortona in honour of St. Francis. He became reconciled with the church before his death.

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