ductus deferens

ductus deferens

also called  vas deferens  
 thick-walled tube in the male reproductive system that transports sperm cells from the epididymis, where the sperm are stored prior to ejaculation. Each ductus deferens ends in an enlarged portion, an ampulla, which acts as a reservoir. There are two ductus deferentes, identical in structure and function, which emerge from the two epididymides.

 The channel of the ductus deferens is slightly larger than that of the ductus epididymidis, the tube found in the epididymis gland from which it originates. The tissue lining the inside wall is a moist and folded layer of mucous membrane. Surrounding the mucous membrane are three layers of circular and longitudinal muscle fibres. These fibres cause the ducts to contract and thus allow the sperm and fluids to be transported. The ductus deferens begins at the tail of the epididymis, in the lower region of the scrotal sac, the pouch of thin skin that covers the testes and epididymides. It extends into the pelvic region. While ascending to the level of the bladder, the ductus deferens is surrounded by a network of arteries, veins (pampiniform plexus), and nerve fibres, and the whole is covered by layers of connective tissue. (This complex tubular structure, called the spermatic cord, also serves to suspend the testes.) At the level of the bladder, each duct separates from its sheath of connective tissue and travels back over the top of the bladder; the two ducts turn downward at the rear of the bladder, and their channels enlarge to form the two ampullae attached to the outside left and right walls of the bladder.

      The ampullae act as storage chambers for the semen and contribute secretions to it. The yellow secretions of the ampullae include ergothioneine, a substance that reduces chemical compounds, and fructose, a sugar and nutrient. Both secretions moisten the sperm and help to keep them viable. The inside cavities of the ampullae have several meshlike partitions and folds. The walls of the ampulla are thinner than the rest of the sperm canal, and the channel is usually larger. The size of the ampulla varies with different animal species; in the stallion the ampullae are relatively large, whereas in man they are only about twice the size of the ductus deferentes. The ampullae join the ducts of the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory ducts. See also ejaculation.

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