Dubois, Pierre

Dubois, Pierre

French lawyer
born c. 1250, , probably at Coutances, in Normandy, Fr.
died c. 1320

      French lawyer and political pamphleteer during the reign of Philip IV the Fair; his most important treatise, De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae (1306, “On the Recovery of the Holy Land”), dealt with a wide range of political issues and gave a good picture of contemporary intellectual trends while ostensibly outlining the conditions for a successful crusade.

      Dubois studied at the University of Paris and became a successful lawyer at Coutances, in Normandy. By 1300 he had become an advocate in royal legal cases, and he represented Coutances in the Estates-General of 1302 and again in that of 1308. In 1300 he published a pamphlet articulating his ideas for monarchical reform and later another that dealt with the struggle between Philip IV and Pope Boniface VIII.

      Chauvinistic, anticlerical, and considerably influenced by Aristotelianism, Dubois believed that internal peace in France could be won only by extending royal authority, expecially over the clergy, and by radically reforming French education, law, and administration. He believed that peace between the sovereign princes in Europe was possible only by the creation of a sort of permanent board of arbitration and by the French king's assumption of the position of leadership traditionally reserved for the Holy Roman emperors but left vacant by recent imperial weakness.

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