Doppler, Christian

Doppler, Christian

Austrian physicist
born Nov. 29, 1803, Salzburg, Austria
died March 17, 1853, Venice

      Austrian physicist who first described how the observed frequency of light and sound waves is affected by the relative motion of the source and the detector. This phenomenon became known as the Doppler effect.

      Educated at the Polytechnical Institute in Vienna, Doppler became director of the Physical Institute and professor of experimental physics of the University of Vienna in 1850. His earliest writings were on mathematics, but in 1842 he published Über das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne (“Concerning the Coloured Light of Double Stars”), which contained his first statement of the Doppler effect. He theorized that since the pitch of sound from a moving source varies for a stationary observer, the colour of the light from a star should alter, according to the star's velocity relative to Earth.

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